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Farm Day's

God says, "I can heal every pain and destroy every yoke that is holding you down. Bring it to me in prayer and move out of My way."

Can you even imagine that? Isn't that huge? Oh God, help me stay out of your way today. Take over my circumstances and do with my life what's your will. Amen. It's time I shut my mouth and get out of the way! Some things are just to big for us to handle on our own. Sometimes it's best to just let go and let God. Today I am going to do just that. Today I am going to let my faith rise to my circumstance knowing God's got this.


My Day:

Up before dawn, I get a cup of coffee and make a fresh pot then wash my face and brush my teeth throw my hair into a ponytail and get dressed. Spend a little time with the Lord, figure out my day. Now I can weed in the garden before the sun gets hot then water all the plants and fruit trees. Check the goats water, check the chickens food and water , check Louie's food and water too. By this time Mom is getting up. Now I can do my inside chores without waking her. Then off to run errands, take mom to Dr appointments , pick up medicines ect..... After which it will be time to make mom lunch then I can go to a meeting or do some service work followed by tending to the goats again, the chickens again cooking supper, supper dishes and any last minute thing. Now I can relax with my husband who is by this time falling asleep watching the tube. Life is busy here on the Homestead. I wouldn't dream it different.

In the Garden:

I'm doing it! All this hard work is really starting to pay off. I have been busting my bootie out here pulling grass out everyday... 2 rows left and I am done with that. Until next week probably lol. My squash is flowering... whoo-hoo. Its really something to see your hard work paying off. I can't wait till the day where everything on our table will have been grown by me. Next year for sure this will be a reality. Veggies and meat homegrown and cooked from scratch. That is my goal.

In the Coop:

These chicks are growing so fast they are getting their feathers and twice the size they were last week. It's amazing how fast they grow. They are still inside and I will tell you they stink! I clean out their tote every 2 days and it is gross. I am so ready for them to get outside. Tim say's he should have the goat shelter done by Saturday so the chicks can go out then. I hope it goes to plan. Here we have 8 hens and a rooster.

In the Pasture:

Billy and Betty are going to be super mad when we evict them from the chicken coop.They will be moving into their new home this weekend. It's going to be a change in their routine. I hope the adapt well to it. They have really come around since we got them. I can hand feed them and pet them now. I am really loving my little farm. It's hard work but so worth it. I highly recommend this life style.

Billy is getting the greener grass...

Well y'all that's it for now

With Love,

Carla Jean

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