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One bad apple spoils the bunch. Why can't one good apple make it better? Have you ever noticed it's easier to do the wrong thing? Why is that? If you go the wrong way you will get lost... When your lost your alone. When alone you are lonely. Loaners are usually bad apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away... why doesn't it keep teachers away too? Silly rambles from my morning mind on this Wednesday. As I sit here sipping on my coffee I wonder about this and that. Readying myself for the day ahead I prepare for what's to come. Today if life gives me apples I will make applesauce.

I have a plan of action today! I despise going to Walmart its always so crowded and the lines are long, the aisles are jammed with people and buggies. It is not a pleasant experience. This morning I am going super early like in a few minutes, it is 6:30 am so I am guessing everyone is still getting sleep, getting ready or getting the kids ready ... That should give me a head start. The early bird gets the worm right?........ WRONG!!! (Note to self when making a new recipe make sure you fully read the list of ingredients before you assume you know what your doing).... ugh! I need another can of peach pie filling! Back to Walmart I go.... Makin a little applesauce hehe.

Back home again and ready to get something productive done. I think I will get out in the garden and weed before I have to make mom's lunch.

It sure was hot out there today got some weeding done still more to do, as I was feeding our goats Billy let me pet him. He is trusting me more and more each day. That made me very happy! Betty wants to come around but she is still shy. The baby chicks are doing good they sure eat a lot and they are very messy. I can't wait until I can move them outside. A couple more weeks and they should be ready. They are so cute! I just love them.

Mom is still a little weak from her trip. She has been taking it easy today. She has been playing her computer game and coloring today. She has been up and about some. The swelling on her feet and ankles has gone down. She has to be reminded not to push herself. Its so hard for her, she has always been such a hard worker and a tinker... She is always tinkering with something. A busy bee. Its hard for her to relax and do nothing. Well that's it for today, I am going to go watch The Middle then go to bed. I hope you have had a wonderful day.

With Love,

Carla Jean

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